Access & Borrowing

From BLC Member Institutions

Visitor Policies & Consortium Cards

Visitor access and borrowing privileges are variable as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Please be sure to check individual library websites in advance of any visit.

Consortium Cards
Boston Library Consortium Cards may only be issued to you from your home library. Consortium Cards allow direct borrowing privileges to be extended to scholars visiting from participating academic institutions. Before borrowing from another BLC library, you must request the Consortium Card at your home library's Information or Reference Desk. Further program details can be found here.

LibraryOpen to BLC PatronsPolicies
Bentley UniversityYesSee website
Boston CollegeYesSee website
Boston Public LibraryYesSee website
Boston UniversityYesSee website
Brandeis UniversityYesNo specific policies
Connecticut CollegeYes

Visitors will need a current BLC consortium and a photo ID. Upon entering the library, please enquire at the Circulation Desk. 

Marine Biological Laboratory and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution*See website
Middlebury CollegeYesSee website
Northeastern UniversityYes
Visitors will need a current BLC Consortium Card and their institution ID.
State Library of Massachusetts*See website
Trinity CollegeYesSee website
Tufts UniversityYesSee website
University of Connecticut Yes

Visitor will need a current BLC Consortium Card and their institution ID

University of HartfordYesSee website
University of Massachusetts - AmherstYesSee website
University of Massachusetts - BostonYes

For in-person borrowing, BLC users must have BLC card and a photo ID. Masks recommended. COVID vaccination required, but proof not required for general entry

See website

University of Massachusetts - Chan Medical NoSee website
University of Massachusetts - DartmouthYesSee website
University of Massachusetts - LowellYesMasks optional
University of New HampshireYesVisitors will need a current BLC Consortium Card and their institution ID
University of Rhode IslandYesSee website
University of VermontYesSee website
Wellesley CollegeYesSee website
Wesleyan UniversityYes

See website

Covid-19 webpage

Williams CollegeYesSee website

Consortium Card Program Details

Boston Library Consortium Cards may only be issued to you from your home library. Consortium Cards allow direct borrowing privileges to be extended to scholars visiting from participating academic institutions. Before borrowing from another BLC library, you must request the Consortium Card at your home library's Information or Reference Desk.

Boston Library Consortium Card
  • The Consortium Card does not automatically confer borrowing privileges throughout BLC.
  • The Consortium Card is an identification card, and cardholders are required to register at each library visited.
  • Procedures vary across each library, ranging from pro forma registration to interviews to assess scholarly research needs.
  • The Consortium Card is a privilege and cardholders must observe all circulation policies, including payment of charges for overdue and unreturned materials. Home libraries may be notified of overdue and unreturned material and are liable for fees assessed in accordance with replacement copy policies at the loaning library. The home library may assess fees to cardholders and/or rescind borrowing privileges in accordance with their own policies.
  • Cardholders must validate their cards at intervals as determined by the home library.
  • Cardholders must report lost Consortium Cards to their home library promptly.
  • Cardholders may return borrowed materials to any BLC member library but will be responsible for any overdue charges assessed.

Government Documents and the Federal Depository Library Program

Eleven of the BLC member libraries participate in the Federal Depository Library Program providing access to government documents and related information in their collections to the public, even if they are private institutions.

These member libraries maintain resource guides to these information resources. While these are generally up-to-date, BLC recommends contacting the individual responsible for government collections at the library ahead of your visit.