Join BLC's Shared Library System

The BLC Shared Library System provides a common platform that members use to build, manage, and provide access to their collections and provides a foundation for new services and initiatives that both saves money and improves access to library services and resources for members.


The current members are Connecticut College, Trinity College, Wesleyan University, Middlebury College, and the University of Vermont.

Any BLC member institution may join.


The service uses Ex Libris’ Network Zone platform. To join, it is necessary for members to use Ex Libris’ Alma/Primo.


The current annual cost per member is approximately $25,000, excluding Network Zone implementation. As membership grows, the per-member cost is expected to drop.

Why Join BLC's Shared Library System

In an Alma Network Zone, individual institutional Alma/Primo instances are complemented by a Network Zone that reflects combined holdings and facilitates shared workflows. This enables libraries to build collections and distribute or centralize workflows collaboratively.

For instance, e-resources can be centrally licensed and managed, analytics can be run across consortial data, and consortial resource sharing can be configured and managed centrally. Discovery of and access to content from across the consortium is facilitated via Primo, and many aspects of the Primo discovery interface can be configured and customized centrally.

Initiatives the Network Zone Can Facilitate

Centralized purchasing and inventory management

Collaborative configuration and enhancement of the Primo discovery experience

Shared analytics across consortial data

Shared staffing for common-resource or systems-management workflows

Balanced purchasing across the consortium, based on streamlined awareness of consortial holdings as part of the acquisitions workflow

Streamlined resource sharing activities and configuration at the consortial level

Consortial resource licensing for electronic resources, and centralized workflows for consortially purchased content


Are you interested in exploring whether BLC's Shared Library System would be a good fit for your library? Reach out via the form below and a member of Team BLC will be in touch shortly. 

Join the Shared Library System