Additional Professional Development Opportunities
Discover additional professional development opportunities for librarians and library workers from NISO, the Professional Development Alliance of Library Consortia, and Library Juice Academy here.
Professional Development Alliance of Library Consortia
Members of the Professional Development Alliance expand the range of professional development opportunities available to their respective members by sharing online content and partnering on collaborative programming.
The Professional Development Alliance began as a pilot program in the fall of 2020, with a group of library consortia participating in joint meetings of relevant programming staff. Since then the Professional Development Alliance has expanded to include ASERL, Atla, CARLI, FLVC, LOUIS, MINITEX, NC Live, SCELC, and SEFLIN.
Professional Development Alliance content is made available to members of the BLC via monthly email announcements to the BLC Announcements Group. BLC members can sign up for this email group here.
Members can also access this content via the calendar below. This calendar will be updated on a monthly basis.

Other Professional Development Partners
All members of the BLC are Library Standards Alliance members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). This membership includes free registration for NISO’s monthly webinar series, unlimited participation in NISO Working Groups and Standing Committees, and discounted registration for all non-webinar events, including the annual NISO Plus conference.
NISO’s monthly webinars are made available to members of the BLC via monthly email announcements to the BLC Announcements Group. BLC members can sign up for this email group here. Sign-on information for these monthly webinars will be sent by BLC roughly two business days before the event. Members can also receive this information directly from NISO and can access a list of all upcoming events (with registration links) on the NISO event page.
Library workers at BLC member institutions are eligible for a 20% discount on single courses.
Library Juice Academy offers a range of online professional development courses for librarians, archivists, and other staff, focusing on practical topics to build new skills.
The curriculum is designed by librarians with a focus on skills that are in demand in the profession. Library Juice Academy offers a number of certificate programs that enable you to gain and show evidence of mastery of a subfield of librarianship.
Please e-mail Cate Harriman, Program Manager, for more information.