Introducing BLC Groups

BLC is migrating our e-mail listserv technologies to a new platform: BLC Groups.
Since 2008, BLC has utilized mailman infrastructure provided by the University of New Hampshire to manage listservs for BLC’s membership Communities. As UNH transitions to new services, BLC’s UNH listservs will be decommissioned in December 2022. 

BLC Groups offers a centralized platform for all BLC-related e-mail communications and continues to deliver e-mail messages to your preferred e-mail address.

More information and detailed instructions about joining BLC Groups is available to download here.

Changes to BLC.Announce 

As part of the transition, BLC.Announce is changing in response to feedback from members, with the introduction of three new BLC Groups:

Announcements: Team BLC will share consortium-wide communications about upcoming initiatives and activities.

Membership: BLC members can share events, news releases, and start discussions. Job postings cannot be posted to this BLC Group.

Jobs: BLC members can share job postings to this BLC Group.

You must request to join one, two, or three of these BLC Groups to receive e-mails in the future.

Common Questions

Do I need to create an account to access BLC Groups?
No. You only need to provide your name and e-mail address to join BLC Groups. However, an account is required to view archived messages.

I’m a member of a Committee. What do I need to do?
BLC will send invitations to current subscribers to join new BLC Groups for standing committees (e.g. HRM), steering committees (e.g. CDL), and board committees (e.g. Finance).

I’m a member of a Community of Interest or Community of Practice. What do I need to do?
You must request to join BLC Groups for Communities of Interest and Communities of Practice on respective BLC Community page or here.

What happens if I e-mail the old UNH listservs?
If you send a message after November 30, 2022 to a defunct UNH listserv, you’ll receive an automated response to let you know your message will not be forwarded. New subscriptions to defunct UNH listservs will not be permitted.

Help! I still have questions…
Please e-mail Amahl McHenry (Executive Assistant and Membership Coordinator) at with questions.

About the author

Boston Library Consortium