Controlled Digital Lending (CDL)
BLC is an active champion of Controlled Digital Lending for interlibrary loan, a practice that enables libraries to lend legally acquired materials in a digital format under controlled conditions. CDL replicates the rights afforded to libraries for interlibrary loan, a foundational library practice, long empowered by copyright law and protected by Congress.
BLC has taken enormous strides in the development of consortial CDL for ILL. In September 2020, the BLC Board of Directors convened a CDL Working Group charged with investigating delivery mechanisms, technology, workflows, policies, copyright and legal issues, shared storage solutions, and other actions related to a potential consortial implementation of CDL among interested BLC member libraries.
After almost twelve months of intensive work, the Working Group released its final report in September 2021, ‘Consortial CDL: Implementing Controlled Digital Lending as a Mechanism for Interlibrary Loan', after approval from the BLC Board of Directors in August 2021. This report sought the formation of a Controlled Digital Lending Steering Committee to collaborate with Index Data to develop a viable solution to facilitate consortial CDL transactions. This collaboration led to the development of ReShare CDL, a module within the consortial resource sharing software owned and maintained by Index Data. In the spring and summer of 2023, a development partnership of BLC member institutions worked with Index Data to refine the software solution in anticipation of the BLC’s Early Adopters Program.