Human Resources

Community of Practice

Committee Charge

The BLC Human Resources Community of Practice (BLC HR COP) will develop and execute project-based initiatives to create change in HR policy, practice, and procedures by providing a structured and open space for:

  • Encouraging and supporting open discussion on HR matters, discussing best practices, sharing common challenges, and collectively brainstorming solutions for member libraries.

  • Developing and executing project-based initiatives that creates real and actual change in HR policy, practice, and procedures at member libraries. Examples include, DEI initiatives, joint BLC staff development trainings, sharing recruitment best practices, and leading cross-library efforts in personnel management best practices.

  • Examining and addressing items as requested from the BLC Management Council.

  • Creating networking opportunities for HR leadership and professionals across member libraries.

Objectives & Deliverables:

  • Complete a minimum of one project per year that accomplishes real and actual change in HR policy, practice, and procedures at member libraries.

  • End of FY Annual Report to the BLC Board of Directors outlining the past year’s activities and projects, and plans for the upcoming year.

  • Communicate objectives and achievements to the larger BLC community.


Khara Leon
University of Connecticut

Erica Schattle
Tufts University


Membership is open to any BLC member that has a role in leading, managing, or processing Human Resources services for their participating library.
Subgroups will form as necessary to achieve the charge. Governance of the BLC HR COP is by a Chair and incoming Chair-elect. The incoming Chair-elect is self-nominated and voted on by the membership when applicable.  Terms of service begin on July 1st and continue for two years; the first year as incoming Chair-elect and second as Chair.


The group will meet virtually at least once each quarter, supplemented by regular electronic communications.  In-person meetings are conducted as necessary, with no more than one per fiscal year.

Join BLC Human Resources COP

Complete the form below to join BLC's Human Resources Community of Practice. You'll automatically be added to the email group and shared Google Drive.